Our matchmaking algorithm connects compatible roommate based on lifestyle, interests and roommate preferences.


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Tenants Looking for Rooms on Hemavi

Female, 24
Jan, 24
9 000
Hi everyone, I am Anissa, a 24 year old Swiss / German / Italien mixture, living and studying medicine in Berlin :) I will be spending the summer in Stockholm and Copenhagen, where I am doing my final year
Male, 22
Feb, 24
8 000
I am beyond excited to share that I will be embarking on an amazing new chapter of my life in your beautiful city. 🎉 As a 22-year-old software engineer, I have been working diligently in Romania for a software
Female, 23
Jan, 24
7 000
Hi there! I‘m Hella (23) from Hanover, Germany. I‘m studying biology and sports as a master degree there. Now I have the possibility to do a Erasmus-semester. I think that I will love it! At home I am playing
Female, 21
Jan, 24
8 000
Hi! I’m Kety and I'm a 21-year-old student from Spain starting a masters degree. I'm looking for a room in a shared flat for this academic course. I'm very friendly and tidy, and I have
Female, 22
Fab, 24
9 500
Hi, I’m Tamara, I’m 22 years old and from the Netherlands. I am really excited about! I’m an easy going person who loves to chill and make spontaneous plans with friends but I also really value my me-time. My
Female, 23
Feb, 24
9 000
Hi! I am Yara, a 23 years old Design student from the Netherlands. I am looking for housing! Preferably close to the KTH. I am very neat,

Meet Some Real (not miserable) Roommate

How It Works

Simplifying the process of renting out a room to three easy steps.

Create Your Ad
Create your room ad with full details and add high-quality photos for the best results. You will receive applications from our best tenants.
Have Digital Viewings
Easily review your tenant applications thanks to our detailed profiles. Schedule a digital viewing with your favourites. A Hemavi representative will attend the viewing for your safety.
Accept the Booking
You liked the tenant? Accept their booking and sign the digital lease agreement with your future tenant. Hemavi transfers your first month’s rent on the tenant's move-in date.

Why Should You Use Hemavi?

  • Algorithm-based matchmaking

    Connecting you with tenants based on interests, lifestyle, and daily routine and matching you with a roommate whom you could enjoy living with.
  • Speed

    You get matched with tenants the moment you upload your room ad. Hemavi provides you with a good overview of who your potential roommate is and you have full control to choose from a big database of room-seekers.
  • Safety is our top priority

    Thousands of verified tenants who are ready to book your room today with a Hemavi-guaranteed first month’s rent. Through our booking system, you can get your room booked months in advance, and you can sign our digital lease agreement for your safety.
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Common Questions

"I used Hemavi to rent out my spare room and I loved how easy and safe it was. Everything from the matchmaking to the digital viewing to receiving the booking and the contract exceeded my expectations."

Over 4 000 landlords use Hemavi to find a roommate.

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Hemavi is a brand name of Hemavi AB, Org.nr: 559277-0670. Having it’s registered address at Anckargripsgatan 3, 211 19, Malmö, Sweden.